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Quickcasey 12-23-2017 10:52 AM

Service Traction/Service ESC message
After months and months of trouble free use, I got the SERVICE TRACTION message twice now, and yesterday brought the SERVICE ESC message accompanied by rough running until I restarted the car. 2008 Saturn Aura XR.
What wonders await me when I take this in for servicing?
Christmas is upon us, and would like to use the car, but if the rough running is the "limp mode," I'd rather use my dodgy old Dodge van that recently left me stranded 2 weeks ago. It's problem? A deteriorated coil wire. I mean what makes a coil wire fail? It wasn't that old. But I digress, this is not the Ratty Old Dodge Van Forum.
So another electronic gee-gaw has failed. I suppose it's the nature of the beast. It leaves me wondering about the future as I continue to drive a ten year old car full of aging electronics.
It makes me wanting to get an old land barge from the sixties or early seventies. I still have my dwell meter and I'm not afraid to use it. Gawd, I am old.

02 LW300 12-23-2017 07:36 PM

The problems come from lack of use. 42k miles on a 10 year old car is nothing. I put 2500 miles on my Navigator in the last week, we drove to Arizona and back. We have owned this car for 10 years and 2 months and have put 140k miles on it.

Quickcasey 12-23-2017 08:00 PM

Well, the 42k was at my join date. I wish i could edit that and get rid of it, or update it. It now has 65k.

02 LW300 12-23-2017 09:58 PM

It is simple to edit your signature. Go to user cp in the top bar and choose edit signature.
I would think that maybe both of your messages are related. My car takes away spark advance and injector pulse to provide traction control. You might just need a new set of spark plugs and coil on plug boots. If the gap is too wide the car may misfire under traction control conditions. My traction control is active if I try to pull out of my wet leaf covered driveway too quickly.

Rubehayseed 12-24-2017 06:27 AM

Casey, take your car to your nearest auto parts store and have the codes scanned and post them here. Get a print out, if you can. That'll tell you where to start anyway. Believe it or not, I got the traction control lights on an 07 POS Equinox that I had briefly and when I ran the codes on it, it came up as the EGR. I thought WTF does the EGR have to do with the traction control, so ran codes again. Once again, EGR came up. I replaced it, cleared the codes and the light never came back. The odd thing was that it didn't have any effect on the way the damn thing ran. I checked the old EGR before I replaced it and the pintle was frozen on it. Wasn't carbon build up, so I don't know what happened to it.

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