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radar2k 05-05-2009 08:02 AM

Hard wiring GPS to start with key
Hey i was woundering if anyone can help me out or give me somne tips...i want to hard wire my GPS in with my ignition. I was going to buy a female cig lighter with the wires out the back one black the other red... and i was thinking about wiring this to my fuse pannel to my day time running lights. the only reason for this is i was going to use the fuse the lights use just incase somethings blows will blow the fuse and not my gps...or is it ok to hook striaght to ground and then the power to the ignition wire under the steering wheel??if i went to my day time running lights should i up the fuse 5 amps or lower 5 amps....just because im adding more power to it??any ideas will help thanks

OceanArcher 05-05-2009 08:18 AM

Unless you are hooking up/using a GPS from 10 years ago vintage, you will not need to increase the size of any fuse. I just hope you understand the "characteristics" of your daytime running lights, and wire properly .....

radar2k 05-05-2009 10:28 AM

i dont know much about the running lights...but you got me thinking...that might be a bad spot...cuz when i turn off the lights to use real lights...whats another fuse, i could hook up to when the key is turned...should i just go where the remote wire is on the amp...or maybe the igntion.

OceanArcher 05-05-2009 04:36 PM

Why not use the same one as for the radio ??????

derf 05-05-2009 06:59 PM

yeah what HE said

radar2k 05-07-2009 10:49 AM

Thanks guys..i will try the one my radio use's...was just looking for hints or tips , that i dont blow things up, seems to be striaght foward. Thanks guys i'll post back friday ..telling you the results

radar2k 05-13-2009 10:50 AM

so i wired up the GPS and because of its programming you cant do the mod i wanted...when i turn the key i have to still turn it on, but when i turn it off it will turm opff kinda better . Thanls

OceanArcher 05-13-2009 11:51 AM

??? I guess that's the nature of your unit.. Mine will power up as soon as I apply power. Granted, I still have to 'acknowledge' the system, but I think that's a cover-up to allow the GPS to acquire the satellite(s) before displaying the road ....

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