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derf 01-04-2015 01:41 AM

Poor Balance/Dizziness Episodes -- Seeking Help
Hi All,

I've had really poor balance since 1996 when a took a plane ride with a sinus infection and when the plane descended, my ears never popped.
Insanely painful. Muffled hearing for 2 days, then hearing came back to normal.

Saw an ENT, did some tests, said "vestibular dysfunction". Wonderful.
"Dealt with" bad balance from then until this past October.

Woke up one morning in late Oct., stepped out of bed and found myself careening towards the wall. I now suffer from frequent if not continuous earaches, (minor) tinnitus, and unpredictable dizzy spells where I just get down on the floor if there is nothing to grab onto (so that I don't fall)

Saw an ENT outside Pburgh. No sign of infection
Ordered CT scan. Referred me to neurologist. Saw neurologist, who ordered Brain MRI. CT and MRI results normal (no tumors)

Neurologist referred me to another Neurologist specializing in balance and dizziness disorders.

Went to 2nd neurologist for testing 1/2/15.
Went through a battery of tests, leaving me more disoriented, dizzy and spaced out than I can possibly explain.

Then saw doctor to find out the diagnosis. "You definitely have a problem, and your rotating chair test results are way out of whack.

But I don't know what's wrong

Here's a script for vestibular therapy."

I asked him what could be causing the earaches. He said "you must be clenching your teeth". Really? REALLY?

I asked him why there was so much cracking in my ears when I swallow. He said "oh that's normal. We all hear that --some of us are just more sensitive to hearing it". I said "clicking I understand, but the crackling?". "oh that's normal"

Unfortunately, I was too space headed to ask intelligent questions like "what parts of the vestibular system are working properly".

Didn't offer a followup visit.
Didn't offer a referral.
Gee Thanks.

Basically, from what I can tell, he doesn't want to deal with me as a patient because the issue isn't straightforward

So now I am having more frequent dizziness attacks than before the testing and it's now to the point (1 day after the tests) that I don't dare drive. I need help and I need it very soon.

I've been doing quite a bit of reading on the net and have a hunch on what I think my "condition" is called. It's not a perfect symptomatic overlap but it's damn close. I was shocked to find that secondary seemingly unrelated things actually coincide with the condition -- things I didn't list for the doctor because I had no idea they were related to my issues.

Anyone out there with dizziness/balance disorders willing to compare notes or have/know of a Neurologist/ENT that specializes in such disorders? We can discuss through PMs unless all you folks really want to learn about balance disorders and dizziness and the 96 substructures that make up your ear..............

ANY HELP is appreciated more than you know....then again if you suffer from any of these issues you DO know how much it will be appreciated.

Thanks for reading

Nasty Right earache / Tinnitus(both ears),

Rubehayseed 01-04-2015 07:10 AM

Derf, I have two brothers that frequently were having dizzy spells too. They were both diagnosed with some type of crystals in the eustachean tubes. They have exercises that you can do while lying on the bed that have helped both of them tremendously. Do a search on ear crystals and I'll get in touch with both of them and see what kind of doctor they went to for the diagnosis. Having a doctor dismiss you like that because HE's a moron is reprehensible! Hang in there, man. I'll send Mike and Jim emails ASAP and get back to you when I hear from one of them. Here's a link to what I'm thinking could be going on with you. Check it out and start looking for treatments. I'm not a doctor by any means, but if I can help a buddy out, by God, I'm going to.

Rubehayseed 01-04-2015 12:54 PM

Derf, Here is what my brother Mike replied. Try this out and see if it helps. If not, try contacting this doctor at Vanderbilt.
Tell him to email Dr. Devin McCaslin at devin.mccaslin@Vanderbilt>Edu and describe his symtoms and ask for a referral in Philly.

Jim never had to go to him-just used the technique's I do.

In the meantime, tell him to do this.sit up in bed near the foot and slowly lean back until your head hangs slightly off the end of the bed.

Slowly turn your head 90 degrees to the right and hold for 30 sec.

turn face down and hold for 30 sec.

turn on side and hold 30 sec.turn to orig.position and hold for 30 sec.

Slowly sit up.

If this doesn't work, try technique again but in opposite direction.(left).

This works wonders for both me and Jim-hope it does for your friend.


RjION 01-04-2015 01:03 PM

Damn Rube ..... I wish I had some idea what was going on, or direction to look.

derf 01-04-2015 07:18 PM

Thank you Rube. There are not many truly kind souls on this earth but I know of at least one.

Per today's phone chat I will do as instructed above and get back to you. Today's highlight was feeling the sensation of the gound moving straight up and down beneath my feet while standing still. As a bonus, I also got the "cruise ship swaying sensation" where you feel like the ground is moving up and down from one foot to the other.

Rj, it's me, not rube, with the issues. His family has some dizziness history.

Please keep the ideas and suggestions coming. It seems to be worsening rapidly.

Rubehayseed 01-04-2015 09:46 PM

Derf, try contacting that doctor at Vanderbilt ASAP. Maybe he has a colleague somewhere near you that he can suggest you go see.

tnvikesfan 01-05-2015 09:53 AM

Derf, I've got nothing as far as help for you, but I will second Rube's suggestion of contacting Vanderbilt. I have only heard good things about the whole Vanderbilt system and that they take care of patients really well (and their families). If you do have to travel for treatment, they would be a great place for you.

My only experience with vestibular issues is canine, but I do understand how disorienting and scary it is. Our Bubba would lay on the floor and hold on - he felt like he was going to fall off. Meds like Antivert helped him, but I know you're way beyond that stuff.

Keep us posted, please, and good thoughts for you!

derf 01-05-2015 12:14 PM

Thanks for the replies and support, folks.
Rube -- the movement sequence is for those with BPPV--benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. I did some reading up and they said it should INITIALLY be done under a doctor's supervision to make sure that stuff doesn't get moved around into the wrong places as well as the right places. So I will wait till my first vestibular therapy treatment to try that.

I will contact the Vanderbilt doctor; however I will bet you 1 partially damaged 1st gen s series coupe power passenger mirror that he wants to refer me to the guy I just saw (now that I'm outside Pittsburgh).

After much deliberation and net research, and in lieu of seeing the results of my testing (yet), I'm going to ask my ent if we can start off treating as a low grade ear infection, and if that doesn't work, use a diuretic to dry up the fluid in my ears. It's on both sides and started at the exact same time.

Gotta go schedule some appts

Rubehayseed 01-05-2015 03:48 PM

Hang in there, bro. I've been doing some last minute crap to the house today. Got the realtor coming Wednesday to get some pics and sign some paperwork. I hope the first person to look makes a decent offer. If so, then we'll be out of here ASAP. If there's any type of help I can give you via the net, just let me know. I'm kind of worried about you, man.

Rubehayseed 01-05-2015 03:56 PM

Derf, the doctor that found the mastoid infection for Reatha is named Dr. Marc L. Bennett. He may be a better one to contact. He does Otology, Neurology and Skull Base Surgery. Telephone # is 615-322-6180. Dude is great even for a Baltimore Ravens fan. He helped Reatha when everyone else was just scratching their heads or asses and saying they couldn't find anything wrong.

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