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sw2cam 10-10-2012 04:21 PM

Another HONDA recall
and they keep coming

uncljohn 10-14-2012 11:41 PM

While I am not a fan of Japanese cars, nor Korean, I do not have to be to acknowledge of those I have worked on and the few I have owned, quality, operation and construction are first cabin. Thus when the words ReCall show up and then they mention the millions of cars involved with the recall and I read further that four (4) cars have suffered from the problem I immediately think of the number of cars that I personally have worked on and owned that were shoddy, poorly assembled had multiple failures and were incredibly expensive to repair and were a constant amazement to me that they lasted long enough to be drivable (just barely) beyond the warranty interval and never had a recall of any kind all of what makes me wonder just exactly what the hell good a recall is that addresses an obscure switch that 4 out of millions of examples fail if it got wet from water that came through a window in the the inner door. Just exactly how many cars have been taken apart by some of these people that you can see immediately just exactly how much damage water coming through the window seals can cause. Damn, the statistics are just underwhelming!
So what is exactly the problem that is trying to be solved anyway?

OceanArcher 10-15-2012 07:52 AM

I'm beginning to wonder if some of the heads of the various car companies have gotten mis-wired, and are starting to believe that hosting a recall on their cars somehow makes their products seem safer/more desirable in the eyes of the motoring public ??

uncljohn 10-16-2012 01:31 AM

There have been a number of cockamamie recalls that come to mind, one of which affected my Fiero (actually 5 while I owned it) and one of which was "solved" by a stick on placard meant to install in the center of the dashboard that said keep the radiator full of water or the engine will catch on fire! Yuh! And my '87 Lincoln Continental that would not run longer than 2 months during the entire time I owned it with out a major trip to the dealer including one problem where the steering would lock up and would not respond to gentle pressure to follow the road. That would get a bit sporty when you discover the damned thing was in an on coming traffic lane and you could not get it to change directions and it never had a recall.
My 91 Dodge Caravan purchased from a junkyard running with working A/C and 300,000 miles all for $500.00 was more reliable than that damned Lincoln. And was purchased because the car broke me and I offed it when the 60,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty ran out. No way was I going to drive that thing and pay for repairs beyond the warranty. I found out shortly after I got rid of it the next owner was not happy. He had owned it 3 months and already put $4000.00 in repairs to it. The thing was a money pit.

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